(ns clj-bots.pin-ctrl-simulator.implementation
  (:require [clj-bots.pin-ctrl
             [protocols :as pcp]
             [implementation :as impl]]
            [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [chan >!! <!! go <! >! go-loop]]))

This stuff really needs to be part of the core library

(def available-modes
  #{:input :output :ain :pwm})

Here we're going to declare some of the things we'll need in the implementation that we'd rather leave at the end of this namespace for logical flow.

(declare current-pin-mode writeable-pin? ok-val?)

In addition to the standard protocol functions, we also need something which let's us set the state of input input pins for the purposes of simulation, since (for obvious reasons) this is not supported via the standard protocols.

Protocol for simulation control functions

(defprotocol PSimControl
  (set-state! [this pin-n val] "Set the state of a digital or analog input pin"))

And now the implementation.

(defrecord SimBoard
  [pin-state pin-modes edge-channels config]
  (init! [b] b)
  (available-pin-modes [_] (:pin-modes config))
  (pin-modes [_] @pin-modes)
  (reset-board! [_]
    (if (= (:board-class config) :overwire)
      (do (reset! pin-modes)
          (reset! pin-state))
      (println "This option is not available for onboard boards")))
  (set-mode! [_ pin-n mode]
    (swap! pin-modes assoc pin-n mode))
  (read-value [board pin-n mode]
    (get (deref (:pin-state board)) pin-n))
  (write-value! [board pin-n mode val]
    (swap! pin-state assoc pin-n val))
  (set-edge! [board pin-n edge ch]
    (let [match (case edge
                  (:none "edge")       #{}
                  (:rising "rising")   #{:high}
                  (:falling "falling") #{:low}
                  (:both "both")       #{:high :low})]
      (add-watch pin-state
                 ; May have to have board ids involved in this scheme for overwire; 
                 ; should have global registry of these board ids XXX
                 (symbol (str "edge-detection-watch-simulator" pin-n))
                 (fn [_ _ _ new-val]
                   (when (match new-val)
                     (>!! ch new-val))))))
  (set-state! [board pin-n val]
    (assert (ok-val? board pin-n val)
            (str "The value " val " is not an acceptable value for pins of type " (current-pin-mode board pin-n)))
    (swap! pin-state assoc pin-n)))

Now we'll flesh out some of the various reading/writing functions

(defn pin-mode
  [board pin-n]
  (get (pcp/pin-modes board) pin-n))
(defn writeable-pin?
  [board pin-n]
  (#{:output :pwm} (pin-mode board pin-n)))
(defn ok-val?
  [board pin-n val]
  (case (current-pin-mode board pin-n)
    :output (#{0 1 \0 \1 :high :low} val)
    :pwm    #(and (<= 0 %) (>= 1 %))

How we create new boards

(defn sim-board
    (atom {})
    (atom {})
    (atom {})
(defn random-config
   (into {}
         (for [i (range n-pins)]
           [[(rand-nth [:P8 :P9]) i]
              (fn [_] (> (rand) 0.68))

And register the implementation

(def implementation
    (toString [_]
    (create-board [_ config]
      (sim-board config))
    (default-config [_]
      (pcp/default-config 100))))
(impl/register-implementation :simulator implementation)